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University of Otago

Established in 1869 with great vision and foresight from Dunedin’s early settlers, the University of Otago is New Zealand’s oldest university. Today, the university has around 20,000 students, employs more than 3,800 staff, and is a significant educational, economic and cultural force. It has over 150,000 former students and enjoys a prestigious global reputation for outstanding research and scholarship.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 283 articles

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Cancer is increasingly survivable – but it shouldn’t depend on your ability to ‘wrangle’ the health system

New research highlights common threads in cancer survivors’ stories, including the effort it takes to navigate the health system, even for a diagnosis, and the struggle to fund unsubsidised treatments.
Estudo aponta que pessoas podem até mudar de ideia com relação a algumas teorias da conspiração, mas não com muita frequência Getty Images

Escapando da terra da fantasia: pesquisa mostra que pessoas podem mudar de opinião sobre teorias da conspiração

Um novo estudo não encontrou evidências de que as crenças das pessoas em teorias da conspiração aumentam com o tempo


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